Absquatulate – to leave abruptly.

/imagine prompt: Absquatulate ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Absquatulate ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Absquatulate ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style 1vkoM6qiMLyDBlWepn2aTMNwxBnClQ35yQYppFK7O ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Absquatulate ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-kS4mha3J3rOPJAvNZtDaODXIolLL5AOjR8UOvTNIp ––v 5.2

Cacophony – a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds.

/imagine prompt: Cacophony ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Cacophony ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Cacophony ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style csEDTLY1TpQktlG1RiL1mkhaYDUpPnv7Oo8aE4g ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Cacophony ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-liMGXsRci7uFYTtHw63Z7KolZspHcVlTvS5NI9jYh ––v 5.2

Dactylion – the tip of the middle finger.

/imagine prompt: Dactylion ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Dactylion ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Dactylion ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style 1XLM6lOI3AVnYy6LvqTyc4T7OrNAMLeWLIjg1eI1cn ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Dactylion ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-1WCLZLfOxHhsoaEQe5xFUV9MzPEUEs4Y66zG4PzXXl ––v 5.2

Ecdysiast – a person who performs striptease.

/imagine prompt: Ecdysiast ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Ecdysiast ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Ecdysiast ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style gfWahyTIRIICFwrH6URYxYZHniA6UAXvAwCra7y2 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Ecdysiast ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-1DRkDLF381uOz71w4oENs11AkbgS31MR24d84sVpO ––v 5.2

Hippocampus – a part of the brain associated with memory and spatial navigation.

/imagine prompt: Hippocampus ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Hippocampus ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Hippocampus ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style BcCxgxfPB0zttfPBT3g94nXZ46eCl2rc6rtW9LaxQ ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Hippocampus ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-1MlQRunwNfDy6bJtjUzHSbti3lotLAUSgUggby1CeL ––v 5.2

Jentacular – pertaining to breakfast.

/imagine prompt: Jentacular ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Jentacular ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Jentacular ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style 12B4JB5FBwBSTUpBlZ4qxwCcYGEauhzaYewJVeZy ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Jentacular ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-IHi7Tg14iNpvu07uOuGdaOXxis98IZaAAy9UOWPeO ––v 5.2

Limerence – the state of being infatuated with another person.

/imagine prompt: Limerence ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Limerence ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Limerence ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style 3mlzAZdlN5LPSlQ8ovxPqt6mm3ND6gSxZfYj0ZXYGf ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Limerence ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-2jTx46qNcyc1a4rxcqib8B2ZVtsHLKljefP2dV5M8 ––v 5.2

Mumpsimus – a stubborn person who insists on making an error in spite of being shown that it is wrong.

/imagine prompt: Mumpsimus ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Mumpsimus ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Mumpsimus ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style cfSlTHIo4lHECvhhzmOwGwmW9w5LqBEGU4k4D3jKR ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Mumpsimus ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-22euJAU6PDYYgBv0fkiBClFOG8YEQOfo0gcFKMmSOv ––v 5.2

Nudiustertian – the day before yesterday.

/imagine prompt: Nudiustertian ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Nudiustertian ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Nudiustertian ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style avQo3mMHqkJXuaeARLx2u6YKvYosncMDUeTCwGue ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Nudiustertian ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-2mjtycBlsquP7VZKprlFMiz1VBom5TpbE0wZjWE5K ––v 5.2

Crepuscular – relating to twilight.

/imagine prompt: Crepuscular ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Crepuscular ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Crepuscular ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style 35A3HwBk7Unj3lXd86UMHOlWZshdSMK044tZBsfRf5 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Crepuscular ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-lgIZihN1VfiM0686HOYacSzd9CJkUI1TSI3PtHZ2R ––v 5.2

Borborygm – a rumbling or gurgling noise made by the movement of fluid and gas in the intestines.

/imagine prompt: Crepuscular ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Crepuscular ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Crepuscular ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style 35A3HwBk7Unj3lXd86UMHOlWZshdSMK044tZBsfRf5 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Crepuscular ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-lgIZihN1VfiM0686HOYacSzd9CJkUI1TSI3PtHZ2R ––v 5.2

Farrago – a confused mixture.

/imagine prompt: Farrago ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Farrago ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Farrago ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style 4x3sBMeeIdAYu0960FsnusTadnOCCwqGm1Dsq1BbX ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Farrago ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-36OJky0p5RDsP4hEaI3q5A37wtcPcUqOR1rOsdUHHZ ––v 5.2

Gorgonize – to have a paralyzing or mesmerizing effect on someone.

/imagine prompt: Gorgonize ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Gorgonize ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Gorgonize ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style 120cUNujgeacSwvp30SgYrJ13b2C2yKHzXsrOoPw8q ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Gorgonize ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-35zXqJmatoMb5vUiSygPpOnauyCLxyxG70L5i8sNkD ––v 5.2

Ingurgitate – to swallow something greedily.

/imagine prompt: Ingurgitate ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Ingurgitate ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Ingurgitate ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style 10bZTp1LM4xF6K7bb93Zq20LnHkMxO5tNDwh15ZaGm ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Ingurgitate ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-1Mjb6x19ZtC9W5ji6eSE9I6ol55AnzVFus2sdKgPm3 ––v 5.2

Kakorrhaphiophobia – fear of failure.

/imagine prompt: Kakorrhaphiophobia ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Kakorrhaphiophobia ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Kakorrhaphiophobia ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style 1yjFJ0yyVTrFeCzTsCNriWx0Q970XlD3FBJgor5u4 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Kakorrhaphiophobia ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-JTpJqq8LDdYGQ3ZZtHFNZwO5ixBZNcltpFek1Lvj ––v 5.2

Obambulate – to walk about.

/imagine prompt: Obambulate ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Obambulate ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Obambulate ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style 75VQISXuMhZ6UmsFEuktqUJOZArmCQ4BtAid9s6lj ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Obambulate ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-1U2P1KFlgHICY13lZ8AsBC67vnir4cJazmXgMRGRmX ––v 5.2

Quidnunc – a person who seeks to know all the latest news or gossip.

/imagine prompt: Quidnunc ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Quidnunc ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Quidnunc ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style 35ZRddEnMq2VH0waZhBRhhXr5VV1e9tSp19ksV139x ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Quidnunc ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-ct71uhbPwnDfAI1LR6uI3rfKC3LxBz3nqRg0pBu ––v 5.2

Snollygoster – a person who has intelligence but no principles.

/imagine prompt: Snollygoster ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Snollygoster ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Snollygoster ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style 61YLzVrXihGhSRJRDzRCP3k5MAarpvMI2gaNM9 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Snollygoster ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-76gu7rfFuathEXauXTc8gD2kdZmZN7QRdFukVMatj ––v 5.2

Ulotrichous – having wooly or crispy hair.

/imagine prompt: Ulotrichous ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Ulotrichous ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Ulotrichous ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style kqTSU81k3LDhzygDc4v0iFBa7hmTlV7ZVesLQFLaZ ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Ulotrichous ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-MZstJuMvaMA0LkGMMYtwXxO72exa8hJgEXwF3W5P ––v 5.2

Velleity – a wish or inclination not strong enough to lead to action.

/imagine prompt: Velleity ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Velleity ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Velleity ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style 1Y2EZaXdqGV3IfD5IES22XIvVOEwbgBDKKZPAJfqP9 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Velleity ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-7IvRTWQcbKQyCyN0T9hEB2Zr11O1zChVVGyzMDoTT ––v 5.2

Winklepicker – a style of shoe or boot worn from the 1950s onward with a sharp and long pointed toe.

/imagine prompt: Winklepicker ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Winklepicker ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Winklepicker ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style 2mDRbzBT7UEDSkcMpJ3duvRmBt8zevUJ3FODiU0Go ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Winklepicker ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-4vZI3HCb2zrYFZawDDiRnquEwndBM9FmEHkhtwnu1 ––v 5.2

Xenization – the fact of traveling as a stranger.

/imagine prompt: Xenization ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Xenization ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Xenization ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style DrwNF2yBUAvPxgHF791p4BZe3RngQ1FmH4iEDom9Y ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Xenization ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-74zG7q4keBsEFMmqs2wYu61E0WpOdyG69KbuGwEeJ ––v 5.2

Yarborough – a hand in bridge or whist containing no card above a nine.

/imagine prompt: Yarborough ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Yarborough ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Yarborough ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style 2SGcs1zqDiza9XJc7LpuZrtDJK8qpdZcRbQMluRgVZ ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Yarborough ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-dvehB1jXFdROkWKv0rSUdVhTrkFfpuo5yFgX63aZD ––v 5.2

Agelast – a person who never laughs.

/imagine prompt: Agelast ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Agelast ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Agelast ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style v6r1eGfryBpdvsrPVjfjvKq8dypGdl6ZkWbCiTYR ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Agelast ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-ie4GFCNpq3YZrrvtUzzABteEtgpmsEWIG9nT2k ––v 5.2

Bibliopole – a person who buys and sells books, especially rare ones.

/imagine prompt: Bibliopole ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Bibliopole ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––style raw ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Agelast ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style 2lWLIlckpPyA2KRcanNc70E2KWn6jlaufc3wwkIoA ––v 5.2

/imagine prompt: Agelast ––seed 777 ––ar 9:16 ––stylize 1000 ––style raw-31hpyDqw47ye7AZIeHbIw1R0uq1XAuDGPtx5VVEf75 ––v 5.2

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